Winter is coming... This week. Goodbye warm weather, goodbye grass, hello snow and scraping the window. We could create a mile long list off all the things that are sucky about winter, but instead, lets look at 3 positives.

1. Everyone's lawn looks the same

Are you a little embarrassed about your lawn? Giant dead spots and giant mounds of....not fun stuff from your pet... Well good news! Once the snow hits, everyone's lawn looks the same. Another 6 months of avoiding those problems!

2. The couch

It will soon become socially acceptable to say "I spent my weekend curled up on the couch watching Netflix". If it's minus 40 outside, of course you did! No one has to know that the weather had nothing to do with your decisions.

3. Morning coffee is that much better

When It's cold outside, nothing beats a nice hot drink. Your morning coffee or tea is about to get that much better.


Hopefully these thoughts will keep you warm this week!