One thing Airdrie isn't lacking in, according to Sherry Shaw-Froggatt the Publisher of airdrielife magazine, is women who fit the criteria for their 
Amazing Airdrie Women Awards.

Shaw-Froggatt explains.  "What's exciting for me is just how many new faces we get every single year.  It just tells me Airdrie has an unlimited supply of amazing women."

30 of those women have been nominated for the awards, being presented for the 8th year.  There are five award categories, Amazing Promise, Amazing Leadership, Amazing Determination, Amazing Heart and Amazing Courage.  Shaw-Froggatt says the awards are a bit different than other awards given in Airdrie.

"A little bit different than your traditional awards and that sort of came out of conversations we were having eight years ago with people about women in the community.  It was kinda was always like, 'oh my gosh, how does she do that, she's so amazing,' and women would say, 'I don't know, it's just what I do.'"

12 women have been nominated in one category alone.  Shaw-Froggatt says the Amazing Heart is everyone's favourite.  "That's someone who has an enormous amount of compassion, they're the great friend, the person who's always gone out of their way to do things for others.  They're kind of the role model for others.  What I love about the Amazing Heart award is anyone can be nominated in it.  It can be a stay at home mom, it can be a retired volunteer, it can be a younger woman launching a career.  I think that's why that category's so popular because it's so diverse."

In one category, the winner has already been decided upon.  Shaw-Froggatt says they try to not make the Amazing Courage category a competitive one.  "I mean, how do you define courage," she questions.   This year Victoria Scattergood has been honoured with the award.

"What's great about Victoria is she's addressing mental health and mental health is a buzzword right now.  I give her full kudos for being very vocal about what she's been through and wanting to make sure other people get help too.  It was just nice to see that and it really struck a chord with me."

The community can now vote for the nominees until April 1st.  50 percent of the decision on the winners comes from public voting with the other 50 percent coming from the votes of the sponsors, past recipients and airdrielife editorial team.

The winners will be announced at the annual awards luncheon on May 11th at Woodside Golf Course.  $5 from each ticket sold goes to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  For tickets and to vote for the Amazing Airdrie Women go here.   

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