Like last year, Carson Horlacher will have another birthday he won't forget as over 400 people joined him at the Big Fun Inflatable Park.

Dustin Horlacher, Carson's dad, was very excited about this day and explained while it is a celebration for Carson, it is a celebration for others too.

"We are trying to make it so no kid has to go without being able to have a good birthday. We're celebrating birthdays for all sorts of kids, all sorts of people. Everybody gets a chance to feel special for either one day or feel included."

Last year was the first year Carson had a birthday like this, Carson invited all kinds of friends to his birthday but nobody responded.

"I was in a position where I was going to have to tell him. Before I did that, I went and vented on Facebook."

Once Horlacher posted his story on social media, the true colours of Airdrie came out.

"It really makes you have faith in humanity, knowing that there are so many good people out there, and you're not alone. Seeing how happy it made my son last year and this year, and just seeing them out playing with the other kids. Words can't even describe the feeling that it gives you."

Last year, over 200 kids showed up to the party.

"When we were doing that [the party], I realized, more than half of those kids had never been invited to a party or nobody showed up to theirs. Parents are in the same situation. So why not do this every year?"

This year, Western Hockey League (WHL) player,  Keagen Slaney who is from Airdrie joined the party to hang out with Carson and any kids that joined the party.

KeganPhoto of Carson and Keagan, photo taken by Nadine Slaney.

"Me and my mom talked, and I just thought it'd be a great idea if we could come out and do something special for him and see if we can give him something good on this big day."

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