Bert Church, W.H. Croxford, and St. Martin de Porres are among seven school that will head to the University of Calgary for a 3 on 3 Unified Basketball Tournament today (May 26).

Unified sports events, hosted by Special Olympics Alberta, are an opportunity for students with learning disabilities to join with their classmates for a day of fun and friendly competition.

Today's tournament will include 126 students from seven Calgary and area schools, grouped into 17 teams.

Shauna Knee, a Learning Support Teacher at Croxford, says students with disabilities often miss out on playing on sports teams, and the connections that are formed on those teams.

"Team sports bring people together in a unique way, so for our kids to be able to participate in this, it's just a good opportunity for them."

Ian Ferguson, a teacher from Bert Church, has taken students to three Unified events this year including a bean bag toss competition hosted at Bert Church in March, and he says they are always something to look forward to.

"I look forward every time we get to do one of these Unified things, because I get to see friendships built and connections made in our building and with other buildings."

The tournament runs from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at the University of Calgary's Jack Simpson Gymnasium.


Read More:

Bert Church Hosts Special Olympics Unified Bean Bag Toss

(PHOTOS) Host Team Comes Out On Top at Bean Bag Tournament


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