If you can't make it to the library this summer, the library will come to you, on a bicycle.

Last week, the Airdrie Public Library launched its new Book Bike program in hopes of engaging more people on what the library has to offer.

"It's a bicycle that houses a vendor trail behind it and then inside there is a bunch of different library material," said Programming and Customer Engagement Manager, Eric Pottie. "It's a little pop-up library that I pedal around."

Pottie said the idea for the bike came during a meeting in which library staff wanted to find out how to better engage with the community.

"Someone suggested that we do this book bike and get out and get out into the community. We really liked the idea and we kind of moved from there. We didn't invent this whole idea and this concept, it has been done by other libraries in other areas."

Alberta cities like Red Deer, Camrose, and High River already have book bikes as do several U.S. cities like Chicago and Rochester.