You love your pet. Your pet is your child, and you'll do anything to ensure your furry bundle of joy is as comfortable and happy as possible.

If this means spending lots of time with them and letting them run around the house, so be it. Your house is their house too. Recently, we noticed our two year old bunny Marley has quite a small bladder, and because of this, she'd have to spend a lot of time in her cage or only in the laundry room. And you know very well that no pet is happy being alone or in a cage.

We decided to check out our options, and started exploring the possibility of a pet diaper. People diaper their dogs, some diaper their cats, and yes, some even diaper their bunnies. At first you'll worry, will my bun be uncomfortable? Will they hate it? What are the logistics of diapering a bunny? Am I out of my mind, considering a diaper for my pet?

You'll go to the pet store, buy a pack of (extra small) dog diapers, and turn a nice shade of crimson at the counter when the clerk asks you about your dog. You'll then admit it's for your bunny, expecting to be judged. Reality: they'll give you a high-five and tell you that there are more bunny owners who diaper than you'd actually think.

The first time we put one on Marley, she hated it. By the end of the week, she didn't even realize it was there and she's never been happier.

It's a win-win situation. Your pet will be free to explore the house and be by your side, and you'll enjoy their company while not having to deal with any messes.