Time and time again you hear many people complain about their younger generations and the skills they possess. 

 I recently moved into a new place in town and had to do a lot of minor work such as mudding, painting, and basic carpentry skills. 

It dawned on me that a lot of these skills were not taught to me at a younger age however I did have people around me that were very experienced in these "basic" skills. 

It had me wondering, how do you ensure that your children or just children, in general, are learning basic skills such as basic carpentry and a variety of others. 

I have met a variety of people that do not know how to do what I call basic life skills such as. 

  1. Fishing
  2. How to Change a tire
  3. Oil Changes
  4. How to paint walls
  5. Hunting
  6. Taxes
  7. Sewing
  8. How to start a fire
  9. How to boost a car

The list goes on and on of skills that I believe are essential to everyday life. 

Do you believe that younger generations should know these skills? Do you ensure your own children know these skills?

Let me know on our Facebook post. 

Questions? Comments? Story ideas? Email us at news@discoverairdrie.com