Recently, Airdrie has seen lots of rainfall, and with rain comes bodies of water that mosquitoes use for breeding.

what does the city to do prevent an influx of mosquitoes?

Jeff Hughes, Parks Operations Coordinator with the City of Airdrie stated they no longer spray for mosquitos.

"We had a program around four years ago. At the current time, we don't have a mosquito control program."

The reason for not having the program is that the city found it ineffective.

"We would monitor the sites and if we did spray any pesticide in park spaces, we'd post signage and all that, but quite often, some of these smaller breeding grounds would dry up fairly quickly and minimize any breeding habitat for mosquitoes."

While the city doesn't spray for mosquitoes, they do try their best to minimize any breeding habitats, if need be the city tries to improve drainage to help get rid of those bodies of water.

This year with the dry season, Hughes said the mosquito density is very minimal at this point.

"With some thunder showers that we've had, we may see a few pop up here and there. But, so far it has been really good for mosquitoes."

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