At last night's City Council meeting (April 4th) the decision was made to proclaim the week of April 15th to April 21st as National Volunteer Week in Airdrie. 

Chair of Volunteer Airdrie, Dave Maffit says the week will recognize those within the city that have made achievements and contributions towards bettering the community.

"We ask city council each year for the city council to proclaim this week as National Volunteer Week in Airdrie as well, it draws attention to Airdrie as a place were volunteerism is important and celebrated each year and we let our volunteers know we appreciate everything they do."

There will be a number of events throughout the week including Volunteer Airdrie's third annual red carpet movie event on Saturday, April 21st. They have also added a free breakfast to the event, tickets are free to some non-profit organizations. 

Maffit says it's important to have events like this because it lets people know that no matter what size contribution they are making towards the city, people appreciate it.

"it doesn't matter how much you do in Airdrie, its the fact you're making our community become more resilient and connected by helping your neighbours and organizations that are good causes". 

If you know someone that has an outstanding story of volunteerism you can email us directly.

Questions? Comments or story ideas? email us at