Today, Rodeo Royalty will see a big chance as the current Airdrie Pro Rodeo Princess steps down to allow her successor to reign in her stead.

The Rodeo Royalty will be crowned today on the last day of the Airdrie Pro Rodeo.

Current Pro Rodeo Princess Ashley Hygaard described the process of being chosen.

"We actually have three girls who are all competing for the title of Airdrie Rodeo Royalty. We go through the process of a personal interview, speeches, a fashion show, and horsemanship competition."

She said that winning the crown takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

"Lots of homework at home. You study on all your Airdrie facts, you spend a lot of time with your horse and you just get to know people. Talking in front of a lot of people."

The Royalty were concerned about possible rain going into the long weekend, but had a slightly positive outlook on it.

"We are farmers as royalty and we need the rain for our crops to grow, so we're happy that we have it."

Hygaard said everyone in the city today that are looking for a fun way to celebrate Canada Day should take the opportunity to come on down to the rodeo.

"Do it! Bring your lawn chairs, bring a sweater for later because it can get a little chilly if the sun goes down. It will be a great time."

The rodeo starts today at 1:30 with the Junior Rodeo and ends with the 2:30 Bull Riding Bonanza.


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