At some point in your life you probably lived with a roommate, right? Maybe it was your friend, maybe it was a stranger, maybe it was your grandma. And for the most part, a roommate is a pleasent experience! They pay rent on time, they respect your space, they don't invite weirdos over in the middle of the night (I hope that one isn't true for you)

But sometimes you get a roommate and it's... bad.

When I was in college I lived in a house with four roommates. One of them was my long time boyfriend (now husband), two of them were good friends, and the other one was a guy I think I met one time before we lived together. 

I won't go into too much detail about what he did but let's just say he was messy, he was lazy, he was loud, and he wasn't all that nice either. Such a class act, hey? My boyfriend and I lived there for a couple years with everyone until we moved into our own apartment and we haven't spoken to him since.


I just found out that terrible roommate of mine is now in New Zealand PICKING APPLES. That is so random yet somehow not even a little bit surprising...




I'm SURE you have a weird roommate story and I would love to hear it because you just never know someone until you live with them.
