Stephens Backpack Society will be fixing up a home for a family in need. 
 The Society first started when Stephen was five years old. One day he overheard his parents talking about a homeless man on the front of the newspaper and asked his mom if there were kids like that, and of course, Nancy McPhee (Stephen's mom) said there was. 
Stephen thought that it was unfair that kids his age were not as fortunate as he was growing up. 
It all started one Christmas with 15 backpacks. The backpacks contained different things like toys, toques, mitts, and pajamas. To this day they have given out over 80,000 backpacks for Christmas and back to school. They have also given away over 17,000 pairs of shoes. Today, they are refurbishing their 33rd home. 
Although they never meet the families, they try to get as much information on each family member so they can try their best to make it fit the family’s style. 
Nancy McPhee is the Director of the Society and is very excited to help decorate and refurbish this next home. 
“There’s one little guy in this family that we’re doing. He’s 11 and he loves Johnny Gaudreau. And so, I phoned the Calgary Flames and we got a signed picture that was framed to put over his bed.” 
McPhee went on to say “Mom's favorite colors are blue and purple, so the décor in her bedroom will be blue and purple. She also likes ocean themes, so you make sure you get pictures of oceans.” 
They will also refurbish the home with nine beds because they have nine different people living in the house. But Nancy likes to make it feel special for the family that will be living there 
“We Don’t just throw furniture together and put a house up. We really make it a home. We personalize it for each and every member in the family.” 
Nancy wants to give a huge thanks to everybody that volunteers and sponsors that help with the refurbishing and decorating because none of it would be possible without them. 
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