We get ourselves a furbaby and then we struggle to find the perfect name, then the nicknames reign supreme.

We agonize, ask friends and even poll social media until we have what we think is the perfect name for our pet. A few months later, a nickname emerges and most of the time the real name doesn't get used very much, even after all that work to come up with it. 

This is the scenario in my world and I am pretty sure I am not alone.....Right?!?!

My current pups both have a nickname and what's worse is they are pretty similar. So now they never know who I am actually referring to when I call them. So then I have to resort to their real names. 

The nicknames I have had for animals over the years have been very interesting. Most of the time they come from something I completely forget and yet they stick. I have had Hammie, Booger, Zeuzy, and Woo-woo to name a few. Currently, it's Weezy Puppy and Baby Weeze..... You can take a guess on which one is which lol 

So let's talk nicknames, I have shared mine with you, so tell me what silly pet names you have for your furbabies!