2019 is finally here, and the Alberta RCMP is continuing with their #TrafficSafety tips and are hoping to make Albertan's are aware of the dangers of driving recklessly through intersections.

 In 2016 the most common errors leading to accidental collisions in and around interactions were a refusal to stop fully for a stop sign, disobeying traffic signals and attempting improper left turns. To avoid such errors and collision the RCMP have realeased several safety tips.

  • Slow down when approaching an intersection, and shoulder-check before crossing.
  • Always obey traffic signals and signs. always come to a full stop before proceeding.
  • Yield to the vehicle on your right at a four-way stop.
  • Always use your signals.
  • Pedestrians always have the right of way at any crosswalk.
  • Always be aware and prepared for anything.
  • Never speed up when the light turns yellow.

Superintendent Rick Gardner of the Alberta Sheriffs reminds drivers to always be ready for the unexpected to avoid collisions. 

"Intersection safety entails consistently watching the road and other drivers and pedestrians to avoid dangerous collisions. You should never assume that other drivers will do the right thing at an intersection. We all have the responsibility as road users, driver and pedestrians alike, that intersection safety is a shared responsibility."

Pedestrians are also responsible to be aware of their surroundings to avoid collisions.

  • Always use a crosswalk and never jaywalk
  • Always be aware. Remove your headphones, and never use a cellphone when crossing

If drivers and pedestrians follow the tips the RCMP has set in place, Superintendent Gary Graham with the Alberta RCMP Traffic Services says intersection collisions will be reduced.

“Almost every collision is preventable. The most common driver errors at intersections include driving too fast for road conditions, unsafe turns, running yellow or red lights and unsafe lane changes. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2018, there were 31 fatalities involving intersections in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions. When we all take steps to enhance intersection safety, we have the ability to reduce the number of collisions and save lives.”

For more tips on traffic safety #TrafficSafety tips on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.