It might be one of the only positives to the delayed spring: the absence of mosquitoes.

According to Bioscience Technician John Swann, the cold temperatures may have delayed the spring birth of mosquitos by two to three weeks.

"If you have standing water that's what they are going to be breeding in, especially the spring ones, they are in the temporary pools from melting snow but at the same time, the temperatures have been unseasonably cold so that can prevent them from hatching. "

Typically the spring mosquitoes are more of an annoyance than disease carriers. Generally speaking, the mosquitoes that cause problems for humans and tend to carry diseases are hatched in summer. There are roughly 45 different species with varying traits in Alberta with most living roughly seven to ten days. 

To avoid being bitten by mosquitoes try to avoid dawn and dusk activities

"Most species of Mosquitoes are dawn and dusk feeders," says Swann.

You can also wear long sleeve clothes and light full-length pants. 

Swann also points out that many people are using 2 in 1 sunscreen plus bug repellent which isn't as effective as using the two separately.

"Health Canada generally recommends you put on sunscreen first, let it dry for five to ten minutes before putting on bug spray.  Otherwise, it tends to pull the deet more into your skin causing you to metabolize it."

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