May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and an Airdrie woman is continuing to push the campaign.

Rosie Numan, has suffered with Lyme Disease for over 30 years, but unfortunately she didn't know it at first.

"I was misdiagnosed for over 30 years and just diagnosed with Lyme in's a very common misdiagnosis unfortunately. There are many people out there living with Lyme that have no idea."

Numan has been going through many different treatments since the diagnosis but says it's an up and down battle.

She hopes that others won't experience her battle and says prevention is the best medicine.

"If you're going to be outside in any vegetation: your backyard, your garden, soccer field, playgrounds or out hiking or camping. You need to be using tick repellent, doing tick checks everyday, head to toe."

Numan hopes that more time will be spent for developing the science for Lyme treatment, especially considering a recent study that recently discovered 8 new species of ticks, 5 of which carry Lyme.

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