Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced today (June 10) that the province is ramping up the booking of second doses of COVID-19 vaccine as demand for first doses keeps dwindling.

During the COVID-19 update, Kenney said that effective immediately, Albertans who received their first dose in April or earlier can now book a second dose of vaccine.

There are now 16.7 percent of the eligible population that is fully immunized, which Kenney said is the highest rate in the country.  Now the government is speeding up second dose appointments to protect more people from COVID-19.

Starting June 10th, another 650,000 Albertans can start booking appointments through Alberta Health Services (AHS) and participating pharmacies and physician clinics.

“We have made remarkable progress," Kenney said.  " But we still have work to do. Albertans need to continue to sign up, show up and follow up for all first and second doses so we can finally put this pandemic behind us.”

Starting today, Albertans who received a first dose in April or earlier can book a second dose through the AHS website, by calling 811 or through participating pharmacies and physician clinics. They do not need to wait to be contacted by a provider first.

Those vaccinated in May are currently scheduled to begin booking their second dose starting June 28th but the province promised to continue to accelerate second doses if supply allows.

Kenney said 67.8 percent of the province have now received a first dose of vaccine but demand had dwindled recently.  70 percent is the magic number for the province to take off most of the remaining health restrictions but Kenney said Stage Three is not guaranteed.

"We need to continue to get first doses into arms if we want to reach Stage Three and full openness and we also need to continue adding onto the second dose protection."

A single dose of COVID-19 vaccine offers at least 80 percent protection against severe outcomes, including hospitalization and death. However, second doses are needed to get the best and most long-lasting protection against the virus, including emerging variants.

Yesterday the province delivered over 57,000 doses of vaccine into Albertan's arms.

Just 178 new cases of COVID-19 were identified in Alberta today.  With 3,810 active cases, 394 fewer than on Wednesday, the case count is now at its lowest level since October 23rd.

Hospitalizations fell by 23 patients to 306 and 81, two less than on Wednesday, are being treated in the ICU.  Another six Albertans lost their battle against the virus.

Active cases continued their decline in both Airdrie and Rocky View County.  There are now 55 active cases in Airdrie, a drop of six since yesterday, while in the county they fell by two cases today to 33.  

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