New year, new you... well for about two weeks and then bring on the chips and Netflix!

Everyone struggles with their resolutions, that's why we make them afterall, right? In 2018 however, you really want to keep that commitment and be a better you. You've got three ways of being successful this year:

1. Think of it as a lifestyle change instead of a resolution

A resolution is kind of like reaching a goal, which you might achieve and then what? Resolutions are known to sometimes fail so the word 'resolution' often has that negative or undoable notion associated with it. A lifestyle change is something you keep doing and is a permanent change to the way you live your life.

2. Partner up

Having an exercise or health buddy works wonders when it comes to motivation. Two is better than one. You're not only doing this for yourself, but you've got a partner depending on your commitment as well and the two of you will motivate each other. Exercising with a buddy is also 100% more fun than exercising alone.

3. Don't make any resolutions

This is your easy way out. If you know right off the bat that you'll have trouble sticking to your resolution, then why bother? Enjoy that pizza and be as lazy as your heart desires!