While Airdrie's street sweeping dates have been tentatively announced for Tuesday, April 30, other surrounding communities are also announcing dates for street clean-ups.

Rocky View County's street cleaning dates include:

  • Balzac: June 10 -14
  • Conrich: April 22 – 23
  • Langdon April 24 – 26
  • Watermark/Cochrane Lakes: April 29 – May 2
  • Harmony: May 3 -6
  • Springbank: May 7-16
  • Bragg Creek: May 17 – 20  
  • Bearspaw/Madden: May 21 -30 
  • Sharp Hill & Area/East Rocky View: May 31-June 7
  • Wrangler/Indus: June 14 – Completion  

However, the County underlined that all dates are approximate and weather-dependent. 

"Spring sweeping removes the loose gravel, mud, and various other materials from County roads which have accumulated over the winter months. The County begins sweeping as soon as weather and road conditions permit, typically in late May and the program runs for four to six weeks," The County added.

It's important to remember that sweeping on urban roads and rural subdivisions is completed by private contractors and neighbouring municipalities annually.

"Rural, non-subdivision sweeping is carried out by County-owned road sweeping brooms. Only areas where painted road markings are planned for the upcoming year, or long, uninterrupted stretches of rural pavement receive sweeping by the County."

Residents may request to have material from sweeping activities placed on their private driveway. 

Earlier this week, The City of Calgary announced some temporary scheduling delays to their street sweeping due to the weather. 

"Accumulating snow and ice can create challenges for our sweeping equipment. The streets that were not completed within the impacted communities will have their sweeping dates rescheduled to June."

The City of Airdrie's street sweeping is slightly delayed in comparison to last year. Regardless of the delay, the City is reminding residents that 48 hours before the sweeping, road signs will be placed at entrances into subdivisions that are scheduled to be swept.

"Watch for large orange signs as they will indicate when sweeping will occur in your area. If inclement weather doesn't allow for sweeping to begin or be completed on the dates posted, signs will be updated to reflect this."

The City has also cautioned that if there are vehicles parked on the street when sweeping is scheduled to occur, they will be tagged and towed in accordance with the Streets Bylaw.

"When signs are up in your community, you can park in alleys between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., but please don't block off emergency access or access to driveways, garages and backyards. If you will be out of town for an extended period during May and June while residential sweeping is underway, please move your vehicle to off-street parking."

Other things residents are reminded of are to obey construction signs, as well as to slow down and use caution when approaching or passing equipment.

"Remove ramps or other obstructions from the gutter in front of your driveway, basketball hoops etc. Don’t sweep your driveway and sidewalk debris onto the road," The City added.

Residents are also asked to remove their advertising signs from boulevards and medians. It's also important to remember to maintain vegetation, including trees and shrubs as well as other structures that may obstruct equipment on the road right-of-way.

The City's Roads Department does not sweep private parking lots, and residents living in townhouses or condo complexes do not need to move their vehicles if parked on-site. However, vehicles parked on the street must be moved.

According to the City, there are three phases of cleaning. The first phase includes sweeping arterial roads, boulevards and medians, while the second phase consists of sweeping all collectors and residential streets. The third and final phase consists of sweeping green streets & paved alleys (after residential roads).

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