After a much-anticipated wait, for the first time since 2007, Canada has updated the national food guide. 

 The new Canadians food guide suggest that Canadians should eat more plant-based proteins and steer away from traditional meats such as chicken, fish, eggs and pork. 

The guide now also tends to do away with the traditional four food groups. 

According to the new food guide, Canadians need to focus on drinking more water. A study conducted by Statistics Canada stated that the majority of average Canadians get most of their sugar intake from sugary drinks such as soda. 

There was also a massive emphasis in the guide on home cooking instead of eating out, the new guide says " Overtime, Canadian households have significantly increased the proportion of their food budget spent on highly processed budgets and that households on average spend 30% of their budget on food products outside the home."

Those foods are often high in sodium, sugar and saturated fat.

Health Canada also wants Canadians to cook more at home so that the skills of cooking can be passed down. 

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